Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Download Maniac

Downlaod Maniac! Site's that maybe concern you...

Before you need to download anything, you have to know whether you want to with download torrent or direct download. If you want choose torrent, make sure you have torrent downloader such as "Bit Torrent", "UTorrent", "Bit Comet" and etc. For torrent site, the best site I've try is Here you can get anything you desire such as ANIME, MOVIE, TV SERIES, SOFTWARE with CRACK and etc. Just one thing you need to keep on mind to completed you download file, "I GOT REALLY FAST INTERNET CONNECTION"! Other site, you can google by your own, I just recommend to you this one only.

For fastest and a bit hard to file download, you can try direct download. For this type of file, you need to have software like " Internet Download Manager (IDM)". By using IDM, you can download directly from youtube, and other type of movie file from any sites. Best site I want to recommend is,but your download is limited. Fastest download is with Mediafire. If you don't want to go to that site, you can google it and type "yourfilename+mediafire", no need to register. Try by your own. For music file, go to "" or "". Here you can download any songs.

Last but not least,
Happy Downloading.

Sunday Maniac with APAI.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday News : 15 cute animals that could kill you!!! (Part 2)

This is part 2 for this entry. Like i mention before (you can click HERE for the last post) this cute animal you might think they so adorable but are they? Read and think friends...

Gila Monster
This chunky lizard with pink or orange spots is one of the few venomous lizards in the world and the largest lizard native to the United States. Though it is sluggish, the Gila monster is capable of delivering a fatal dose of venom when provoked or stepped on. If you are bitten by Gila monster, submerge the lizard in water to break free from its strong jaws.

Poison Dart Frog
The charismatic colors might catch your eye, but such pizazz is also nature's way of telling you to stay away. The poison dart frog is among the most poisonous creatures on Earth. Indigenous American Indians used the toxic secretions to poison the tips of blowgun darts.

The elephant is often portrayed as a lovable giant, and animals domesticated by trainers and zookeepers can be quite peaceful. But if agitated, abused or if encountered in the wild, an elephant can be one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Elephants experience unexpected bouts of rage and are known to be vindictive. In India, hundreds of people are killed by mistreated or rampaging elephants.

Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Don't try to cuddle this cuttlefish. Though charming and colorful, this aptly named fish's displays are meant as a warning. Although they rarely encounter humans, its poison is considered extremely toxic and can be as lethal as the poison of the blue-ringed octopus.

Giant Anteater
You wouldn't know it by looking at it, but this large creature feeds only on ants and termites. Its size is part of what makes it such a dangerous animal, but the true weapons are the powerful, sharp claws. If threatened, an anteater can maul a human and is capable of disemboweling an adult with one swipe.

This is one weasel you don't want to mess with. Its aggressive nature is widely known, thanks to the popularity of the X-Men comics and movies. Armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws and a thick hide, the wolverine can take down prey as large as a moose and steal food from bears and wolves.

Monkey and Apes
These animals are most similar to humans, creating a natural bond and some pitfalls as well. Some diseases carried by monkeys and apes can be easily transmitted to humans. Even a small monkey can bite, potentially transmitting a virus like hepatitis C. Larger apes, such as chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas are powerful animals capable of mauling a human if they feel threatened.

Leopard Seal
The leopard seal is at the top of the food chain in its home in the Antarctic, and this is one predator you don't want to swim with. It is bold, powerful and curious, and it has been known to hunt people, although it usually targets penguins. In 1985, Scottish explorer Gareth Wood was bitten twice on the leg when a leopard seal tried to drag him off the ice and into the sea, and in 2003 a leopard seal dragged snorkeling biologist Kirsty Brown underwater to her death.

ok.. thanks once again to MMN....

c u next week.. daa..


Thursday, March 25, 2010


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Holla MANIACS!!!! I am back with some maniac stuff that will make you guys go "WTF?"

This week.... I'mma show you what I've found on the internet recently..... I call it "The Maniac USB drive".... check it out... hahahaha

(1)Lego USB

(2) Lipstick USB drive

(3) Lightsaber USB drive

(4) Gold With Diamond USB drive

(5) Wooden USB drive

(6) Sushi USB drive

(7) Wooden Clamp USB drive

(8) Grenade USB drive

(9) Doughnut USB drive

(10) Finger USB drive

(11) Cat USB drive

(12) Budwiser Beer USB drive

Interesting Isn't it? I really like the finger USB drive..... so creepy and totally maniac! It will definitely scare the shit out of people to see a finger stuck on a PC/Notebook...... hehehehe
see ya!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday News : 15 cute animals that could kill you!!! (Part 1)

They may seem so cute, adorable and innocent but these animal might got you kill if you're not careful... Because it 15 animals so for today i just put 7 of them and 8 more for next week. Credit to MNN (mother nature network) because give me idea to write something to share with you all.. Thanks a lot!!!

I just want to share this with you all because i found that some of these animals can be found in Malaysia or Asia. And in my personal opinion.. some of these animals not that really cute.. hahah so enjoy~

A cassowary looks like a flamboyant ostrich and can be found wandering the rain forests of Australia and New Guinea. It prefers to keep a low profile, but when disturbed this flightless bird can become extremely aggressive and territorial. Capable of running and leaping at high speeds, the cassowary attacks by thrusting its large claws forward with the aim of disemboweling its target.

Few fish are cuter than a fully expanded, portly pufferfish — but don't be fooled. The pufferfish is the second most poisonous vertebrate on the planet. Fishermen recommend the use of thick gloves to avoid poisoning and the risk of getting bitten when removing the hook. The poison of a pufferfish, which has no antidote, kills by paralyzing the diaphragm, causing suffocation.

Big Cat
They might look like an overgrown version of your pet, but don't forget that you're on the menu of almost all of the wild big cats. In North America, pumas are an occasional threat to lone hikers and small children. But all of the world's big cats — including tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards and cheetahs — can threaten lives if they are mishandled. There are an estimated 15,000 big cats kept captive in the United States, and only a small percentage of them are in accredited zoos.

Don't let the cartoonish grin fool you; moose are among the most dangerous, regularly encountered animals in the world. They prefer to leave humans alone, but if disturbed or threatened they are known to respond by charging with aggression. They attack more people annually than bears do, and they are especially aggressive when defending a calf.

Bears are some of the most lovable large carnivores in the world, often the subject of childhood tales and treasured as teddy bears. It's a strange association, given that they are also on the shortlist of animals known to hunt and kill humans. Grizzlies and polar bears are the most feared, but all large species of bear can potentially be dangerous — even the vegetarian giant panda.

Blue-ringed Octopus
The tiny, blue-ringed octopus can pack a wallop. It is widely regarded as one of the world's most venomous animals. It lives in tidal regions ranging from Australia to Japan and is frequently encountered by people wading in tide pools. If provoked or stepped on, it will bite. Blue-ringed octopus poison has no antivenom and can kill an adult human within minutes.

Slow Loris
This animal might look like a harmless, big-eyed baby ewok, but the slow loris is one of the only poisonous mammals in the world. Its subtle nature makes it popular in the illegal pet trade, but unknowing humans should stay clear of its toxin, which is released from the sides of its elbows. When threatened, the loris takes the toxin into its mouth and mixes it with saliva. The animal will also lick its hair to deter predators from attack. The toxin can cause death by anaphylactic shock.

Ok see you next week.. thanks...


credit : MNN (mother nature network)
do visit their website.. a lot of information that you might don't know...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Honda Advertisment: 6 Millions

As you think that CGI is everything to make a great movie or video, some people still do think that the real thing is much more valuable even though it cost them 6 millions. I'm actually talking about Honda advertisement that found in Youtube.

Here is the video:

And if you don't believe that is the real thing, watch this:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Love Floccinaucinihilipilification

After you read the title, what do you think... am i type anything or naa-da...? haha or can u even read it? hahah... well, for your information this is a word that has its own meaning. By the way, i'm not trying to be english teacher here but as a researcher, i should share with you this word..

Let me tell you the story.. based on my research yesterday i found that this word is the kind of jocular formation that was possible among educated men in Britain in those days. Just so, as in praesenti, the opening words of mnemonic lines on conjugation in Lilley's 16c. Latin grammar, could stand alone as late as 19c. and be understood to mean "rudiments of Latin."

To make you more understand about this word this is the story behind it..

Eton College

Back in the eighteenth century, Eton College had a grammar book which listed a set of words from Latin which all meant “of little or no value”. In order, those were flocci, nauci, nihili, and pili (which sound like four of the seven dwarves, Roman version, but I digress). As a learned joke, somebody put all four of these together and then stuck –fication on the end to make a noun for the act of deciding that something is totally and absolutely valueless (a verb, floccinaucinihilipilificate, to judge a thing to be valueless, could also be constructed, but hardly anybody ever does). The first recorded use is by William Shenstone in a letter in 1741: “I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication of money”.

William Shenstone

A quick Latin lesson: flocci is derived from floccus, literally a tuft of wool and the source of English words like flocculate, but figuratively in Latin something trivial; pili is likewise the plural of pilus, a hair, which we have inherited in words like depilatory, but which in Latin could mean a whit, jot, trifle or generally a thing that is insignificant; nihili is from nihil, nothing, as in words like nihilism and annihilate; nauci just means worthless.

The word’s main function is to be trotted out as an example of a long word (it was the longest in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary but pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis edged it out in the second). It had a rare public airing in 1999 when Senator Jesse Helms used it in commenting on the demise of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: “I note your distress at my floccinaucinihilipilification of the CTBT”.

this is an example how we can use this word...

Brak, in The Brack Show: "Brakstreet" November 3, 2002

Boasts "'Surrender' is not in my vocabulary, my good man," and ends, whining "… but, then, neither is 'Floccinaucinihilipilification'!"

Robert A. Heinlein, in The Number of the Beast (1980):

"Sharpie darling, you are a floccinaucinihilipilificatrix."
"Is that a compliment?"
"Certainly! Means you're so sharp you spot the slightest flaw."
I kept quiet. It was possible that Zebadiah meant it as a compliment. Just
barely- "Maybe I'd better check it in a dictionary."
"By all means, dear-after you are off watch." (I dismissed the matter.
Merriam Microfilm was all we had aboard and Aunt Hilda would not find that
word in anything less than the O.E.D.)

Mike McCurry (1995), United States President Bill Clinton's press secretary:

"But if you -- as a practical matter of estimating the economy, the difference is not great. There's a little bit of floccinaucinihilipilification going on here."

The comic strip Zippy the Pinhead (March 14, 1996):

"Do you think I may be too quick to find fault with things and people,Zippy?"
"Th' 'floccinaucinihilipilification' process."
"Th' what?"
"Floccinaucinihilipilification!! It means 'the estimation of something as
"You've been randomly reading th' dictionary, haven't you?"
"Yes. That and my natural tendency toward


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday Memo

Participate in the first ipta and ipts competition experiment quite fruitful as we successfully steal a special jury award.

Without using any outside choreographers, or ordered special music, and our costumes were sewn by the dancers themselves, the award is really worthwhile.

Own dance steps deemed by Tino, just based on experience since the school again without any tutoring by anyone should be proud for successfully stunning the audience that night.He also thought the storyline for this dance. thank you for that.

Costumes designed by Nik is stunning the audiences. set of hair, head gear to la, bengkung, cloth and leg's bells is all great.

Great song also plays an important role in a dance. although the song we just cut and pasted, we almost get the best music that night. But there is no provision. Thanks to Nik again because smart play with the song to convey the storyline interestingly.

Now, let the pictures speak..

There is more competition to come. just don't know to be in the team or not. Hopefully, success will continue along with our team because when sincere, all will be given to u..thank u...
